October 10, 2019

Palm Center Statement about Tonight’s 2020 Presidential Candidate Debate on LGBTQ Issues

Updated Guide Identifies Each Candidate’s Stance on the Transgender Military Ban

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Palm Center is pleased to release an updated guide to each 2020 presidential candidate’s position on the military’s transgender ban.

Click here to view the guide


The following statement can be attributed to Palm Center director Aaron Belkin.

“Research as well as testimony by the Service Chiefs indicate that almost three years of inclusive policy for transgender personnel was a success. Just as ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ compromised military readiness and harmed gay, lesbian, and bisexual troops, President Trump’s transgender ban undermines readiness and harms fully capable and fit transgender service members.

“By repealing the ban immediately upon taking office, the next president will open the door to transgender Americans who meet the same standards that apply to everyone else in the military while stemming the tide of wasted talent.

“We look forward to learning tonight what each candidate plans to do to address President Trump’s politically motivated ban.”